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Home Staging Tips that Will Make Your Home Irresistible

October 1, 2020

Home Staging Tips that Will Make Your Home Irresistible
One of the best ways to attract more people to your listing and convince them that your home is worth their money is to stage it. Many real estate agents use this technique, and that is not without reason.
Staged houses sell quicker and for more money. So, there’s no doubt whether you should do it or not. You will be able to make your home look irresistible with our home staging tips. And we will teach you how to do it step by step.

Make your home look appealing.

The first impression is one of the most important things when you’re selling your home. Many buyers know if they’re interested in buying as soon as they approach the property. So, preparation is the key.
You want to induce envious stares when people look at your home. Therefore, do minor refurbishments to bring the area to life and order. Make sure that the lawn is mowed, plant some flowers, and take the leaves away. If you can, add some garden furniture to make the outdoor space even more inviting.
When it comes to indoors, put a fresh coat of paint where needed. Thoroughly clean everything, so it looks spotless. These are all little things that make a great difference. They will help people moving into your house feel at home after relocating to a new city, and that’s what will help you to make the deal.
One of the most important home staging tips is to make your home look appealing and memorable.

Seek professional help

Any necessary repair work will look better and last longer if performed by professionals. And not only that. Besides hiring a professional landscape designer and repairman, consider hiring a photographer as well.
There is no point in spending hundreds of dollars on quality paint and nice flowers if what you do doesn’t end up appealing to potential buyers. You will make sure that is not the case by hiring professional help.

Light is everything

Light is a powerful companion if you know how to use it. You see, pretty much any room can look beautiful if there’s enough light in it. So, do your best to make that happen. Open the curtains, hang the chandeliers, or install higher-quality light bulbs.
This will make the room feel warm and pleasant place to be in. The light will create an atmosphere that encourages people to stay longer. And if that happens, you have almost guaranteed sale.
One additional home staging tip that we feel obligated to give you is to take photos for listings in the sunshine. The home will feel much more inviting as opposed to ones that are photographed in gloomy weather, especially to the people that are doing long-distance house hunting.
It’s proven that the rooms that are full of light look nicer and airier, and that’s exactly what you want to achieve.

Remove all personal things.

This is one of those home staging tips that is mentioned again and again, and people still manage to forget about it. When a buyer enters your home, he has to be able to imagine his belongings in it. That means that every room should look like a hotel room. Leave just the minimum of your things if you have to.
Personal photos, gifts, or collections give out the impression of a stranger’s house. So, put all of these away. Ideally, use a storage unit, which will ensure your prized belongings are kept safe and sound. This will also give you a chance to find a way to get rid of clutter. Your visitors will get a better sense of space, and you’ll minimize your work when it comes to moving.

The kitchen and the bathroom must shine.

Ask any homemaker, and they’ll tell you. The kitchen is a space that is treated very personally and on which a huge amount of time is spent. The same goes for the bathroom. It is not easy to imagine someone else using it. However, you need to understand that buyers feel the same way.
The idea here is to make these two rooms so clean and shiny that they get the idea that no one is using them. We don’t even have to stress how important it is that there are no personal belongings here at all. Only this way will these rooms seem new and give way to the imagination of the potential new owners.
Your bathroom and kitchen must feel like there’s no one living in the house when the buyers arrive.

Upgrade the interior

Now, we’re entering the area of a higher-budget home staging. Therefore, if you have enough money and want to sell your home as quickly as possible, make sure to get rid of old appliances and fixtures. Outdated ones can and will spoil the look of your freshly cleaned spaces.
On the other hand, you can do a lot with not that much money. For example, you can brighten wooden panels in your house with a mix of lemon juice and olive oil. Avoid having multi-purpose rooms as they can produce a ‘double effect’ on the potential buyers. If you already have a room like this, think about redecorating it. It is not too difficult to set up a home office or a room for yoga. This will leave a much better impression.

Furniture placement

It is important to understand that it is not enough to put some furniture in random order and call it a day. In the ideal scenario, you should hire a professional designer to do the task of arranging for you. This way, you’re ensuring that the furniture enhances the interior and adds value to a home.
However, if you already feel like a master of home staging tips and you want to do it on your own and save some money, this is also possible. Make sure that the main pieces are placed so that they create the focal point of the room. Also, don’t put anything next to the bedroom window as buyers love to look out of them to see what’s outside. 

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