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Enhance Curb Appeal of Your Home

March 31, 2022

Enhance Curb Appeal of Your Home
By, Lisa Roberts
The outside of your home is as important as the inside. Improved curb appeal is not only making your home look beautiful, but certain details can make it safer and more comfortable. Also, curb appeal is the first impression for the visitors who can turn out to be potential buyers. So, if you’re planning to sell, doing your best to make the first impression positive is crucial. This is the guide that will give you tips on how to enhance the curb appeal of your California home and make it more welcoming to your guests or even buyers.

Be objective and see the importance of curb appeal

If you’re ready to jump into the real estate market and sell your home, you should reconsider the importance of curb appeal and take a look at your home objectively. Step outside and look at your home as if you’re seeing it for the first time. It can be hard to do that as we get used to all the flaws of our home after spending years there. A good curb appeal should be clean, tidy, and symmetrical. A house in California should look great in the sun, as buyers love Mediterranean-style places with welcoming outdoor spaces, which they use to have fun with their loved ones. Let’s see the best ways to achieve that look.

Begin with the front door

Most often, one of the first things you see when you look at a house is its front door. Homeowners usually don’t pay attention to their front door – they forget about it over time. That’s why they don’t notice the faded or chipped color, worn-out doorknobs, and other potentially problematic areas. The first thing you can do is revamp it with a layer of fresh paint. Depending on the style of your home, you can go with the classic – elegant charcoal or white or experiment with a pop of color, with colors such as deep orange or blue. Replace the hardware (knob and knocker), and there you have it – a brand new front door that’s tempting the guests to come inside and see more.

Don’t forget garage doors, too

Many California homes have garage doors facing the street. If they are not in good condition, garage doors can bring your curb appeal down. The easiest way to make them pop is to paint them. You can also go for a more expensive solution and replace the doors with more modern electrical options. If you are thinking about converting your garage into a livable space, it’s only natural to start with the doors. 

Replace the street number

This is not only a decorative detail – it is practical, too. If your current door number is old, dirty, and not that visible, it will make it difficult for people to find your home. Replace it with a new house number – you can find so many different styles on the market, even the ones with LED lights in them, making the house look better at night. This is a relatively inexpensive and straightforward project that will surely enhance the curb appeal of your California home.

Take care of your mailbox

Even though it’s ‘just’ a mailbox, this item is one of the first things people see when they come close to your home. Due to humid weather and a lot of sun in California, mailboxes often have faded or chipped paint, or they simply get rusty. Replace your mailbox with a new piece and give your home a new look.

Power washing for power results

Over time, the exterior of your home, including the driveway and sidewalk, gets dirty and loses its original color. Power washing is a fantastic way to transform your curb appeal and restore its original shine.

Add plants

Greenery is probably the best way to add dimension and a welcoming feel to your outdoor area. Potted plants and other green items will surely enhance the curb appeal of your California home. However, due to the specific climate, you should pick your plants carefully – it’s best to choose ones that are local and used to the local weather. It will increase your chances of succeeding in growing those lovely decorations and helping them last longer.
If you put a lot of effort and time into growing your plants, especially potted ones, you might want to take them with you if you decide to sell the house and move. However, you should know that plants are difficult to relocate and are one of the items your movers will refuse to move. Make sure you know what they will take and know what to pack and what to leave.

Install new outdoor lighting

Make your home attractive even when it’s not covered with California’s sunshine. Lights with even the lowest voltage will give a whole new look to the property. One of the ways to enhance the curb appeal of your California home is to add some new lights along the walking path or around trees. Outdoor lighting is also one of the most desired home features in California’s real estate market. Landscape lighting and accent lighting give an elegant touch to every house, so consider adding them to your property.
Doing these little things to your home can help you find a buyer much faster. It can happen a lot more quickly than you thought, so you could find yourself moving very soon. However, don't forget that even if you are in a hurry, you can have a pretty smooth and utterly safe relocation as it’s possible to prepare for a local move in less than ten days, although it does take a bit of luck. Just be sure to hire experienced and reliable pros you can rely on.
But, even if you don’t want to sell, these tips on how to enhance the curb appeal of your California home will pay off. You’ll make the most out of your property and ensure everyone comes home with a smile.

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